District Historian
By Thomas E. DeJulio
Here is another Kiwanis history quiz, fashioned in memory of recently deceased Past Kiwanis International Vice President Stephen H. Hart, Jr. who joined the Kiwanis Club of Irvington NY in 1946, and Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser, 1987-88 Past Kiwanis International President.
Readers are invited to send their answers with the name of their Kiwanis club to me at tdejulio@fordham.edu . Every member who sends FIVE (5) CORRECT ANSWERS will receive a prize of "historic value" and will be cited in the next ESK.
- In what years did Steve Hart serve as BWS LTG and NY District Governor?
- In what branch of the military did Steve Hart serve in World War II?
- What was the Kiwanis International "Major Emphasis" theme in 1987-88? (Extra Credit Question: What was its primary objective?)
- What country did Tony Kaiser's parents immigrate from in 1923 and where in New York City did they settle and raise their two sons?
- In what year was Tony and Mim Kaiser married?
Here are the Answers to the Quiz in Jan. 2020 ESK, Vol. 2019-2020, Issue 2:
- In what year was Circle K officially recognized by Kiwanis International? A: 1942
- Identify all the years an International Convention was held in Indianapolis? A: 1937,1992, 2003, 2015 (2020 maybe at press time)
- In what country and in what year was a Kiwanis charter first granted to a club outside of the United States and Canada? A: 1962 MEXICO (Tijuana Baja) Kiwanis
- What was the name of Kiwanis International's first "Major Emphasis Program"? A: OPERATION DRUG ALERT IN 1969
- Which of the following locations DID NOT host a Kiwanis International Convention? a) Minneapolis; b) Phoenix; c) Baltimore; d) New York City A: Baltimore
Congratulations to two club winners: DPP Alan Alterman, East Meadow; Key Club ADA Jason Steiner, NYCYP
Column Posted on Web Site April 7, 2020
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