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Kiwanis Service

Governor Elect

By Jim Mancuso

Thank you!
At the Special Meeting held in place of our normal district convention, I was elected as your Governor-Elect. This outcome was in large part made possible based on the support of so many Kiwanis mentors, family and friends. While it was a subdued weekend due to the virus, it was still an exciting time, as we chart our course for the district out of the pandemic. Make no mistake about it, the challenges Kiwanis and our district face over the next few years will be great, but we will emerge stronger than ever. I am confident of that fact.
You are all very special people. You may not always think of yourself in this way, but you are. Someone once told me "there are those that can and there are those that will." You can all count yourself among those "that will." Being that kind of person and giving of yourself in the way that you do is truly a rare quality.  That is why I am so confident the future of the New York District of Kiwanis is bright. I never worry if I will succeed when I eventually become governor. I have that knowledge because I know I have all of you in support.
As an example, I have been in regular contact with Gov. Brenda Leigh Johnson and taking part in her own team's planning process. She has graciously welcomed my participation and input, but even more so her mentoring has been of extreme value. As a governor-elect it is wonderful to share this kind of relationship with those who came before you. I will be sure to do the same when the time comes.
Executing a planning process for 2021 is next on my list. There is already much to be done - business planning, strategy development, and finalizing who will become committee chairs to lead our various functions. It is a process that is both exciting and daunting at the same time.
I, of course, also need to thank my wife Susie, who is a constant source of support and advice. She has been a wonderful sounding board. And, our International President-Elect, my brother, Peter Mancuso, who has guided me all along the journey so far to governor. I am thrilled that we will be working side-by-side, and together I know we, with the district's support, will accomplish great things for those we serve and who will need Kiwanis more than ever before.

Column Posted on Web Site November 30, 2020

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