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Kiwanis Service


By Noreen Barrett

It is more important than ever to stay in touch with your fellow Kiwanians. You don't have to see them in person either. You could do a zoom meeting with another club in your division. It can count as a meeting as well.
You have plenty of time to get started on this quest. All you need to do is visit every club in your division once during the 2020-21 Kiwanis Year. The size of your Club matters. If you have 30 members or more, you need four members to attend the interclub; from 20-29 members, you need three to attend, and less than 20 members, two attendees.
How easy is that? Any questions contact me at lgnbarrett3@nycap.rr.com.     


Column Posted on Web Site January 13, 2021

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.