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Kiwanis Service


By Noreen Barrett

Let's get patches for your banner! Clubs are starting to meet in person. But if your club doesn't feel comfortable doing that yet that is fine. You can still count zoom meetings as an interclub. Clubs have also done fund raisers on line. Well, that counts as an interclub too.
This is what you need to qualify for a patch. Members visit each club in their division either zoom or in person once during the year. A Kiwanis Club of 30 or more members needs to have 4 members present. If the Club has 20-29 members, they need 3 members attending. If the Club has fewer than 20 members, they need 2 members attending.
Get the form on line at the District website or email me and I'll send you the form. My email address is: lgnbarrett3@nycap.rr.com

Column Posted on Web Site July 14, 2021

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