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Kiwanis Service

Aktion Club

By Jaimie Neuringer

At the midpoint of the OPWDD directives, Aktion Club members living in group homes have not been allowed to attend in-person meetings. Although some technology is available, many Aktion club advisors are finding that even Zoom meetings are difficult to coordinate with our members. Because of this, many Aktion Clubs have not been meeting.  
Kiwanis International has excused dues collection this year for Aktion Clubs that cannot meet. They created a special charter status for clubs temporarily not meeting due to COVID.  
KI updated the international Aktion Club website (aktionclub.org), and is providing extra resources online, including meeting kits that include meeting agendas, and the following:
    • Ideas for safe, socially distanced service projects.
    • Message and information from our service partners.
    • Leadership lessons and information on community impact.
We are providing links to these kits on the resources page of www.aktionclub-ny.org as they become available.  These kits are designed to keep our clubs serving and leading safely.

    2019-20 New York District Aktion Club International level Award Winners:
    After winning the District Level Aktion Club contests, winners were submitted for judging at the international level.  
    Congratulations to the Brighton Aktion Club for receiving second place in the Single Service contest. Their project, "Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha: Abilities in Aktion" sponsored birthday gifts for a class at a local inner-city primary school, made birthday cards for the students, and hosted a gift wrapping party. Congratulations to the Brighton Aktion Club for this International honor, and all their effort!
    Congratulations to the Anchor Aktion Club for receiving an honorable mention for their scrapbook entry!
    Congratulations also to the Anchor Aktion Club for receiving distinguished club status for 2019-20.
    Details of all these projects are available on our website: www.aktionclub-ny.org
I look forward to helping Aktion Clubs restart in the near future. Please reach out to jaimie@aktionclub-ny.org if you have any questions or need more information. For those clubs still serving their communities, please send pictures and write-ups to submission@aktionclub-ny.org for pub on the website.  

Column Posted on Web Site July 14, 2021

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to improving the world one child and one community at a time.