Spring is finally here and with that we have completed half of our 2020-21 Kiwanis year.
The year of a continuing pandemic has certainly been different than any of us could ever have imagined. However, this pandemic cannot and will not hinder the community service and outreach of New York Kiwanians.
Throughout the year, I have been contacted by many club presidents, club secretaries and lieutenant Governor's regarding the Governor's Project. A leading question has been, "Are clubs expected to fulfill every aspect of the Governor's Project?" The answer to this question is, "No, each club may complete ANY aspect of the Governor's Disaster Relief Project."
Divisions within the district have varying community needs, members must determine what this need is and continue from there. My home club, Minisink Valley in the Hudson River West Division, has realized the continued need for necessities in the areas four food pantries.
The Governor's Project has three categories of which you may choose to fulfill the requirements and thus receive the Governor's Award for your club. These categories are emergency training, emergency kits and non-perishable food collection.
Training may consist of CPR, NARCAN, Stop the Bleed, First Aid or Emergency Preparedness.
Emergency Kits may be created to fulfill a need within your community or to be stored in the District's Disaster Relief area, for use during a more widespread disaster.
Components for these kits are many: food, first aid, toiletries, cleaning items and activities for children, to help them cope with a disaster and embrace a sense of normality.
Non-perishable food items may be donated to a family in need, local food pantry or the District's Disaster Relief storage area.
For a complete list of information on training programs, suggested items for emergency kits and food donations, please contact me.
Need is all around us, especially during this pandemic.
We as Kiwanians must be ready and able to help those in need during any crisis.
Remember to think locally, then within your division, the New York District and globally.
Column Posted on Web Site July 14, 2021