I must begin by thanking all of you for the response and help we received at midwinter, especially at the Kamp Shower. So many of you responded to the wish list item and that was greatly appreciated, a great deal of those item would have had to be purchased and thanks to you that money can be used for the maintenance and upkeep of the Kamp. I must thank Joe Aiello Lt. Gov. of the Queens West Division, who always goes above the norm to help us, the Metropolitan Division who always takes a big chunk out of the wish list besides their constant financial help for the Kamp, Tony Genova, Immediate Past Lt. Gov. of the LISC Division, who donated a large part of his winnings to the Kamp and I would be remiss if I did not thank our Governor, Mike Malark, for all that he has done and is doing to raise funds for Military kids to attend Kamp Kiwanis.
At this time, however, I would like to turn your attention to the new Kamping season that is rapidly approaching, the wheels are starting to turn and pick up speed. Rebecca and her staff have been feverishly working on the new season since December, as they do every year. Printing and sending out new Kamp registrations, going overseas to interview and hire new counselors, getting the Kamp in order and many more chores that have to be done every year, so now it's time for all of us, New York District Kiwanians, to help.
How, you say? Well it's very easy, May 14, is our opening day for the Kamp and dedication day, I invite all of you to come up a day or two before and help us with the cleaning up of the Kamp, there's lots of things that have to be done and most are just simple chores that make the difference as to how the Kamp appears, you don't have to be a skilled craftsman but if you are we have chores for you as well.
Rebecca will have a list ready with everything that needs attention to, just look at the list and pick what you can do. We need bodies at the Kamp, the more the merrier. If you are ready to come up, call Rebecca and she will be more than happy to help you with your plans and accommodations.
Let's not forget about another way to help us out, send "ONE MORE KAMPER" than you did last year, we need to fill the Kamp with those underprivileged and challenged kids so that they can have a week of enjoyment, friendship and fun which will help them be better human beings. Thank you for your help and we'll see you at the Kamp in May.
Column Posted on Web Site May 5, 2011