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Kiwanis Service

District Foundation

By Sal Anelli

As I sit here typing away at my computer writing this article I am totally elated about your New York District Kiwanis Foundation and of course about your Kamp Kiwanis. I say "your" because that is correct, this is your foundation and your Kamp and without you we don't have either.
Three short years ago we were at a crossroads with the Kamp, we had a very low Kampership attendance, our bills were piling up and things really looked dismal. We knew that something had to be done because we were going down the wrong path, so we did something about it, we came to you, the New York District Kiwanians and said, "we need help" and help you did. We came to you and asked you to send us one more Kamper, we asked you to help us change a child's life for the better, we asked you to help us make a child's dream come true, we asked for your support, and you came through.
From three years ago where we served only about 440 children to this year where we are possibly filling the Kamp with approximately over 700 children and reducing our debt service significantly. The numbers aren't in yet, but we are way ahead of last year at this time and all indications show that we will fill the Kamp. A big part of that success, of course is due to Governor Mike Malark who made it his project for a wonderful cause of sending children of active military people to our Kamp, to date Governor Mike has already raised enough funds for over 100 Military Kampers and is still going strong raising more funds, that is amazing. This Military Kampership program has been so successful that Governor Elect Bill Risbrook has already promised that he will continue it for his administrative year.
This year we were also very fortunate to receive some additional grants unexpectedly. Thanks to Anthony Merendino's hard work for the past two years, we were finally able to secure a large part of a grant promised to us three years ago by Senator Alesi, and thanks the generosity of a Kiwanian from the Rochester area, Clayton Hunt Jr. who, upon his passing, left a $50,000 donation to the District Kiwanis Foundation, and the same for the Kiwanis International Foundation. These grants do not come along every year, so we have been very active in researching other avenues for securing grants. So I come to you for help once again, however this is not the type of help where you need to raise funds, you just need to get the word out.
Guidestar, an organization of all charitable organizations, has informed us of a grant available through the Stay Classy Achievement Award. This is an award that will be given to a philanthropic organization such as the New York District Kiwanis Foundation. It is a three-stage qualifying award and we have already made it through the first stage; in late July the second stage will be determined by a panel of judges which will choose which organizations will be put in to the third stage. If we make it through to the third stage then it will be up to you to vote us in for possibly a $250,000 award. If you have a Facebook page it is very easy to vote, just go on to your Facebook page, in the search bar write this "Kamp Kiwanis-NY District Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.-Taberg, NY" and vote, if you don't have a Facebook page, start one; if you need help with it email me and I will forward you very easy step by step direction so that you can help. Remember, it doesn't cost anything, no need to fund raise for it, just get the word out to anyone that you know that has a Facebook page.

Column Posted on Web Site August 6, 2011

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