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Kiwanis Service


By Kim Scharoff

The more flexible we are, the more attractive our clubs will be to new members. Kiwanis International is offering many options that allow us to be flexible in membership. This article will serve as a review of some of these options.

Satellite Clubs - This option allows a club to identify a group of perspective Kiwanians based on geography, age, employment, schedule or special interest to create an offshoot of the Kiwanis Club. No chartering is required. Satellite Clubs allow us to expand into areas where we might not be able to get the numbers to charter a club. Satellite Club members pay dues to the host club. They can attend meetings and projects of the host club in addition to those of the Satellite.

Corporate Membership - A corporate membership allows a club to designate a specific spot in the club's membership for an employee of a specific company or organization. As an employee changes jobs, the membership can be transferred to another individual in the company or organization, without that individual being charged the new member add fee. Corporate membership might appeal to companies where there tends to be transfers every few years - banks, financial institutions, restaurant chains, school districts, etc. The corporation can send a different individual each week to attend the club meeting but only the designated individual can vote or hold club office.

These two options offer us the ability to reach out to individuals we may not have thought of for Kiwanis membership. More information is available on the kiwanisone website or please do not hesitate to contact me - kscharoff@gmail.com.

Column Posted on Web Site February 3, 2012

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