The following pictures were taken at the 2012 Mid-Year Conference at the Holiday Inn in Albany. They were taken by Joel Harris of the County Seat, Mineola club.
The annual Basket Raffle.
Kamp Director Rebecca Lopez with the Kamp display.
Gov. Bill Risbrook with Gov.-Elect Al Norato looking on.
Circle K Gov. Josephine Lukito.
Key Club Gov. Dominick Pesce.
The three governors: Lukito, Risbrook, Pesce.
Gov. Bill got out his saxophone and entertained in the evening.
Key Club Administrator John Goldstein, Key Club Gov. Dominick Pesce, Circle K Gov. Josephine Lukito and Circle K Administrator John Keegan.
Marty and Maureen Neuringer.
Gov. Bill Risbrook with Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Corace and Nydia Corace.
Kiwanis International President-Elect Tom DeJulio, Rosemary DeJulio, Gov. Bill Risbrook, Dr. Lavonia Francis, Distinguished Past Gov. Peter Mancuso and Karen Mancuso.
Robert Rosenthal, Distinguished Immediate Past Gov. Michael Malark, Distinguished Past Gov. Peter Mancuso.
Gov. Bill Risbrook and Dr. Lavonia Francis.
Kiwanis International President-Elect Tom DeJulio and Rosemarie DeJulio.
Past International President Gerry Christiano and Linda Christiano.
Key Club Gov. Dominick Pesce.
Circle K Gov. Josephine Lukito.
Rich Hall helping pull the event together.
District Secretary and Past Gov. Justin Underwood, Joanne Underwood, District Eliminate Project Coordinator Sister AnnMarie Kirmse, and Steve Hinton, regional International Foundation representative.
Gov.-Elect Al Norato.
Saturday evening's event honored the District Board for 2010-11, led by Distinguished Past Gov. Michael Malark and District Secretary Ann Sewert.
Foundation President Sal Anelli.
Kiwanis International President-Elect Tom DeJulio.
Kiwanis International President-Elect Tom DeJulio, Julia Salat and Distinguished Past Gov. Michael Malark.
Phyllis Belin, DeJulio, Malark and Wendy Wilcox.

Rosemary DeJulio (left) and Distinguished Past Gov. John Gridley (right) with new Brittany Fellowship recipient Julia Salat. The Brittany Fellowship is awarded by the Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation.
Kiwanis International President-Elect Tom DeJulio (left) and Distinguished Past Gov. John Gridley (right) with two new Brittany Fellowship members, Past International President Gerry Christiano and Linda Christiano.
Tom DeJulio and John Gridley share a laugh during the presentation.