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New York District
 Serving the Children of the World ™
2012 International Convention Business

There were 2,650 delegates representing 1,725 clubs at the New Orleans convention, as well as 587 at-large delegates for a total of 3,237. The delegates elected officers and took action on more than a dozen bylaw amendments during a four-hour business session Friday, June 29.


The following elections took place:

President: Thomas DeJulio, Kiwanis Club of Fordham, Bronx (uncontested)

President-Elect: Gunter Gasser, Kiwanis Club of Spittal/Drau, Austria District (uncontested)

Vice President: Dr. John Button, Kiwanis Club of Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada.

Trustees (3 year terms):

Trustee (1 year term):


Dues Increase Proposal:

The bylaw amendment which had caused the most debate during the forums preceding the vote was the request by the International Board to increase member dues by $15, from $42 to $57. Action on it took less than 10 minutes, as one of the first speakers moved to refer the amendment to the board's Finance Committee for further consideration.

The Motion to Refer received 71 percent approval from the house, ending discussion of the issue at this year's convention.

Other Action:

Amendment 1: Age Requirement for club membership

Changed the rule from 18 to "adults", as defined by the local jurisdiction.

Approved by 98 percent.

Amendment 2: Member in Good Standing

Gives clubs the right and duty to determine if a Kiwanian is a member in good standing.

Approved, 99 percent.

Amendment 3: Frequency of Club Meetings

Changes minimum requirement for club meetings from two each month to one.

Approved, 87 percent.

Amendment 4: Expansion of Membership Classes

Gives clubs the ability to create new membership classes.

Approved, 96 percent.

Amendment 5: Role and Purpose of Kiwanis Districts

Adds a description of the role of districts to the bylaws.

Approved, 88 percent.

Amendment 6: District Reporting Requirements

Adds a description of district reporting requirements to the bylaws.

Approved, 97 percent.

Amendment 7: Federation Reporting Requirements

Adds a description of federation reporting requirements to the bylaws.

Approved, 98 percent.

Amendment 8: Kiwanis International Board Meetings

Provides more flexibility for calling and conducting International Board meetings.

Approved, 93 percent.

Amendment 9: Financial Reporting Duties of Kiwanis International Officers

Completes changes needed due to an earlier change to eliminate the office of treasurer.

Approved, 98 percent.

Amendment 10: Composition of Board Executive Committee

Expands membership of the Board Executive Committee.

Approved, 97 percent.

Amendment 11: Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Kiwanis Family

Designed to clarify provisions related to disciplining a member of the Kiwanis family who has been found to have been involved with improper conduct.

Approved, 66 percent.

Amendment 12: Discipline of Kiwanis International Officers

Provides a procedure to remove International officers who are failing to complete their job duties, and makes that a separate procedure from the conduct unbecoming.

Approved, 95 percent.

Amendment 13: Ensure the Financial Stability of Kiwanis International

Would have increased member dues from $42 to $57.

Referred to the International Board Finance Committee for further study. Referral approved 71 percent.

Amendment 14: Freeze Tiered Dues Rates

Continued the freeze on tiered dues which was enacted in 2009. Tiered dues provides lower rates for countries with a low per capita income.

Action: The International Board asked to withdraw the motion following the action on the dues increase. That request was defeated, with 72 percent opposed. Then a vote was conducted on the amendment, which was approved with 93 percent in favor. The action will extend the tier freeze through Sept. 30, 2014.

Amendment 15: Add a New Kiwanis Object

Amendment would have added a new Kiwanis Object, "To encourage, support and promote an equal opportunity to serve."

Defeated, with 92 percent in opposition.

Amendment 16: New Standing Committee of Past International Trustees

Would have created a new committee of all past International Trustees.

Defeated. The vote was 55 percent in favor, but a two-thirds majority was required.

Amendment 17: Determination of the Minimum Number of Members to Form a Club

Proposal to place in the Kiwanis bylaws a requirement for 15 members to form a new club. In the past, the number was set by the International Board and has been changed at times.

Approved, 52 percent.