Convention delegates heard reports, speakers, and saw awards presented during the General Assembly on Friday morning.
Above, Gov. Al Norato Jr. (left) and International President Thomas DeJulio (right) honor C. Edgar Flynn for his 50 years of service to Kiwanis during the convention's General Session.
A member of the Minisink Valley club since 1963, Flynn received the Gerald P. Christiano Distinguished Service Award for his service to the district in 2011. Flynn has served three years as lieutenant governor of the Hudson River West Division, twice being named distinguished, and has a long record of service to Kamp Kiwanis.
Kiwanis International President Thomas DeJulio speaking to the assembly.
New York Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle speaking. Morelle is a member of the Irondequoit club.
After honoring a 50-year member, a brand new member was honored as well, First Lady Dr. Jenny Wang.
Kiwanis International Trustee Patricia Barsotti and Gov-Elect Joe Aiello share a laugh during Barsotti's remarks. Barsotti will be Kiwanis International's counselor to the New York District during Aiello's year as governor.
Kiwanians during the General Assembly.
![]() Kelly Chan, New York District Circle K governor, giving her report. |
![]() Paul DeSantis, Key Club governor, giving his report. |

Kamp Kiwanis Executive Director Rebecca Lopez reporting on activities at the Kamp this summer.
Foundation President Sal Anelli reported that there were many vacancies at Kamp Kiwanis this summer, which he attributed to clubs having to spend money to help their communities with Hurricane Sandy destruction.
The foundation itself provided $80,000 in assistance to people who were affected by the hurricane, he reported. That money came in large donations for hurricane relief, as well as smaller checks from many in the New Orleans area who commented that they remembered what the New York District did for them following Hurricane Katrina.
One hurricane-related donation ended up helping residents of the affected area by providing funding to send children to kamp. Anelli said the Switzerland-Liechtenstein District of Kiwanis donated $10,000 to send children from the area to kamp.
Kamp Executive Director Rebecca Lopez reported that the maximum number of kampers they can handle for the adult week is 90, and the maximum for the six children's weeks is 720. This year there were 69 adults and 590 children. As a result income from kampers was down, but the costs of running the kamp don't decrease much when that happens.
The camp had five children this year who had to have one-to-one coverage, and 75 other special needs children. There were 34 International staff from 11 different countries, Lopez reported.
The division sending the most children to kamp was Long Island South Central with 84; the three clubs to send the most were Peninsula Hewlett with 50, East Meadow, 38, and LaGuardia Airport, 25. The 50 from a single club is a record for the time she's been kamp director, she said.

Three candidates were elected to the Foundation Board, from left, Herb Chan, Edward Sexton and Mike Siniski.
The Convention Honorees were International President Thomas DeJulio and First Lady Dr. Rosemary DeJulio.
Gov. Al Norato Jr. and First Lady Dr. Jenny Wang presented Walter Zeller awards which the DeJulio's will be able to provide to someone else. Pictured, from left, are Norato, Tom DeJulio, Rosemary DeJulio and Wang.

Chuck Eckert during a forum on 21st Century communication.
Kiwanis International Trustee Patricia Barsotti, counselor to the New York District, during a forum.
Rich Hall (left) and Alison Mandel during a forum for club presidents.
An overflow crowd attended the forum on the upcoming Governor's Project and Partners Project. Standing, from left, are Kim Scharoff of the Merrick club, Gov.-Elect Joe Aiello, Carol Aiello and Ann Torcivia from the Levittown club.

Gov.-Designate Joe Aiello (at podium) with his family; from left, Samantha's boyfriend, Mike; son Frank, daughter Samantha and wife Carole. (Seated is Kiwanis International Trustee Patricia Barsotti, the counselor to the New York District.)
Aiello thanking the delegates for their support.
Eric Paul (second from right) receives applause after his win in the race for Governor-Elect for 2013-14 was announced. Among those applauding is his opponent, Candace Corsaro, at left. Corsaro is the immediate past Lt. Gov. of the Niagara Frontier North Division. Paul is the current Lt. Gov. of the Niagara Frontier South Division and a member of the West Seneca club.
Paul addressing the delegates following his election.
Following the session, Paul is congratulated by Circle K District Gov. Kelly Chan. David Morse has his back to the camera.
The Past Governor's Council awarded the Jerry Christiano Award to Mike Siniski for his service to the district, to Kamp Kiwanis and to his club and division. The award, which can only be won by someone who has not been governor, is awarded each year by the past governors. From left, Mike's wife, Rita; Siniski, Christiano and Distinguished Past Gov. Joseph Corace, head of the Past Governor's Council.
Rita and Mike Siniski with the permanent Christiano Award between them.
Three bylaw amendments and four resolutions were approved in voice votes.
- Amendment 1: Allows a sitting lieutenant governor to serve as an alternate delegate for a club in the lieutenant governor's division at a district convention.
- Amendment 2: Adds lieutenant-governor designates to the list of delegates-at-large at district conventions.
- Amendment 3: Provides free district dues for two years for new Kiwanis members who formerly served in the U.S. military or the National Guard. This is the same benefit which has been available for former members of Kiwanis sponsored youth programs.
- Honors International President Thomas DeJulio and Dr. Rosemary DeJulio as the convention honorees.
- Expresses thanks to Kiwanis International Trustee Patricia Barsotti, the counselor to the New York District, for her participation in the convention.
- Thanking the convention committee for its efforts.
- Acknowledging the bestowal of the Jerry Christiano Award to Mike Siniski.

The display areas were busy Friday afternoon.
Distinguished Past Gov. Joseph Corace and Finger Lakes Past Lt. Gov. Tricia Hook.
The Gift Cards which replaced the basket raffle were displayed on tables.
Past International President Jerry Christiano, Linda Christiano and Past Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. Ann Sewert.
Michael Tetamore and his grandfather, Past Gov. Jack Tetamore. Both are members of the Rochester club.