The annual Kamp Kiwanis Open House took place Saturday, May 3. The event included work parties, tours, acknowledgements of kamp supporters and a meeting of the District Foundation Board of Directors.
Members of the Key Club at Victor High School cleaning a trail leading to the Kamp pond.
Volunteers working to prepare the pond for the summer.
District Foundation Vice President Joe Battista, left, conducting a tour of the Kamp for the 2014-15 lieutenant governors.
Workers were installing new cables near the administration building.
The Victor Key Club members and others at work on a ball field at the kamp.
A work crew was installing drywall on the ceiling in Governor's Hall.
At right, Foundation President Sal Anelli speaking to those who attended the event, citing several individuals and clubs for their support of the kamp by purchasing bricks for Governor's Hall and the Dining Hall.
Anelli points to a newly inscribed brick, memorializing Angelo "Monte" Maltaghati, a deceased member of the Lefferts Liberty club who had served as the club's president and secretary and was a past super distinguished lieutenant governor of the Queens West Division. The memorial was bestowed by his club. To the right of that brick is another new one, coming from volunteers in the Long Island South Central Division.
Donations from the Chinatown club resulted in the purchase of 3 blocks on the section of the Dining Hall marking those who have symbolically purchased an acre of land for the kamp. Shown are Foundation Board Member Mike Siniski, Anelli, and the members of the Chinatown club who were present for the event.
Those in attendance gathering in the dining hall before lunch.