The Kiwanis International Centennial Tour stopped in New York April 23-26 for a series of events in downstate New York featuring the participation of Kiwanis International President Dr. John Button.
- Thursday, April 23:
On Thursday evening President Button attended a celebration of the All Island club's Platinum Club designation as part of the Eliminate Project.
- Friday, April 24:
The first event on Friday, April 24, was a K Kids meeting at PS 22. (Pictured below)
That evening, President Dr. Button participated in the Kiwanis Club of Chinatown, New York, benefit night, during which 13 Centennial Awards were presented and nine new members were inducted into the club. More information on that is available.
- Saturday, April 25:
On Saturday, Dr. Button participated in the ground breaking for a new Kiwanis Centennial Playground to be built at the Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School in Island Park. The school's previous playground was destroyed in Superstorm Sandy. Pictures of that event are below.
On Saturday afternoon, a luncheon took place in Levittown. Pictures from that event are available.
Later on Saturday, the International president, with Gov. Eric G. Paul, Jerry and Linda Christiano, and Joanne and Justin Underwood, gave stuffed animals to the children in the pediatric wing at the Nassau University Medical Center. The event was hosted by the University Center Kiwanis Club, the only hospital-based club in the district.
- Sunday, April 26:
On Sunday, Dr. Button attended the Governor's Visit to the Bronx Westchester South Division. At that event, the Kiwanis Club of Fordham, the Bronx, completed its Model Club pledge. The club became the first in the district to complete the $100,000 pledge to the Eliminate Project. A picture and more information is available on that.
The Centennial Tour began with the 100th anniversary party in January in Detroit, marking the place and time Kiwanis was organized, and will continue with stops around the world leading up to the International Convention June 24-27 in Indianapolis.