2015 Kiwanis International Convention
District Reception

On Thursday, June 25, 200 or so New York District Kiwanians got together at the Hard Rock Café in Indianapolis for fellowship, fun, music and food. We were joined with a large group from the Nebraska-Iowa District including Vice-President (now President-Elect) Jane Erickson. Greeters included Jackie Bettis, Rich Hall, Alison Mandel and Joe Corace.

Governor Eric with Mike Farley, Americas Chair for the Formula, and Vice-President Jane Erickson get ready to address the crowd and to make some award presentations for growth.

PLG Kim Scharoff, PIFL Dr. Rosemary DeJulio and PLG Nydia Corace stepping lively on the dance floor at the Hard Rock Café.

Key Clubbers join the crowd on the dance floor.