2015 Mid-Year Conference
The conference took place Feb. 20-22 in Albany.
Also available:
- A list of the distinguished lieutenant governors and clubs for 2013-14.
- A list of the Achievement Awards for 2013-14.
- A list of the special Governor's Awards for 2013-14.

The District Board met at the beginning of the conference. At the podium is Gov. Eric G. Paul.

New York City Young Professionals Member Jason Steiner was the featured speaker at Friday's Opening Session. Steiner served as New York Circle K Governor in 1989-90, and as Circle K International President in 1990-91. Seated, from left, are Capital Division Lt. Gov. Mary Beth Vail, current Circle K Governor Renee Girard and Gov. Eric G. Paul.

The audience at the opening session.

Foundation President Sal Anelli updating the opening session on events at Kamp Kiwanis.

Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse reporting on the progress of the Eliminate Project. She noted the district now has 10 Model Clubs, committed to donating an average of $750 per member, and 2 100K clubs, which have pledged $100,000 donations. As of Feb. 16 the district had pledged $1,104,729.56. She said 84 percent of the clubs in the district have donated and she asked those present to urge all the clubs to join the effort.

Julie Watterson, the district's Membership Chair, speaking at a Saturday morning forum on The Formula. At the table are Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Eppolito, the district's New Club Building chair, and Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Aiello, the district's chair for The Formula.

District Secretary Justin Underwood (seated at right) at a forum on online secretary reporting.

About 35 people took advantage of the opportunity to learn CPR during the conference.

The annual basket raffle.

Key Club Gov. Jacob Spencer speaking to the Saturday luncheon.

Circle K Gov. Renee Girard speaking to the Saturday luncheon.

Events at the luncheon included the induction of Matt Kamper (black shirt with vertical stripes) as a member of the East Meadow Kiwanis Club. Matt, who is president of the East Meadow Aktion Club, addressed the group after his induction. Standing, from left, are Distinguished Past Gov. David Rothman, an East Meadow member; Matt's father, Kevin Kamper, also of East Meadow; Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Aiello, Past International President Jerry Christiano and Gov. Eric G. Paul. Aiello's Governor's Project was on Autism and Kevin Kamper and his wife, Lori, were the district chairs for the project. Seated are Key Club Gov. Jacob Spencer, Key Club Administrator John Goldstein and Gov.-Elect Forbes Irvine.

Presenting at a forum on fund raising were Hazel Goldstein and Brenda Leigh Johnson.

Kiwanians gather for the reception preceding Saturday's dinner.

Gov.-Elect Forbes Irvine presented the club awards for projects during 2013-14.

Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Aiello presented other awards for 2013-14.

Past International President Jerry Christiano pins Aiello with his distinguished pin as Gov. Eric G. Paul applauds.