The House of Delegates defeated a proposal which would have allowed the International Board of Trustees to implement limited dues increases during voting June 24 at the Kiwanis International Convention in Toronto.
There were 1,049 represented at the convention. There were 1,509 delegates registered, including at-large delegates.
Candidate elections also took place during the 4-hour-long session.
- President, Jane M. Erickson, Nebraska-Iowa District
- President-Elect, James M. Rochford, Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
- Vice President, Florencio C. "Poly" Lat, Philippine Luzon District
- Board of Trustees (3-year terms):
- Peter J. Mancuso, New York District
- Bert West, Rocky Mountain District
- M.A. "Fred" Dietze, Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District
Proposed Bylaw Amendments
Amendment #1, Auxiliary Bodies
Approved a bylaw change to remove language referring to "auxiliary bodies" as obsolete; 98 percent were in favor.
Amendment #2: Use of Kiwanis Names and Marks
Approved, with 91 percent support, new language designed to secure for Kiwanis International the ability to control the Kiwanis trademarks. It was approved after an amendment noting that the provision did not require annual tax filings by Kiwanis organizations to be approved in advance, as other documents filed with governments will be.
Amendment #3: Kiwanis International Affiliates and Subsidiaries
Approved, with 93 percent approval, new language regarding Kiwanis affiliates.
Amendment #4: District Treasurer
Defeated a change which would have required the District Secretary and the District Treasurer be two different people, and that the treasurer be appointed by the district board with at least a 2-year contract.
The opponents cited extra difficulty filling the additional role, and said it was a solution where there was no problem. International Trustee Kevin Dean, speaking for the International Board, said there have been issues in some districts. The change would be similar to a change made a few years ago by International itself.
Two attempts to amend the proposal were defeated before the proposal itself was defeated, with 44 percent in favor and 56 percent opposed.
Amendment #5: Annual Adjustment Option for Kiwanis International Dues
The proposal would have given the International Board authority to add up to $2 per year with a maximum of $5 over the next five years.
A similar proposal was defeated in 2015. Opponents objected to giving the trustees any control over a dues increase. The proposal was defeated, with only 33 percent in support.
Amendment #6: Secure web-based Voting for Kiwanis International Business
A hotly debated proposal to allow clubs to vote online instead of requiring attendance at International Conventions in order to vote was defeated, as it was in 2015.
Supporters said it would allow all clubs to participate, noting that a relatively small number are represented at the convention each year. Critics feared the change would hurt convention attendance and eliminate in-person debate and the opportunity to amend proposals.
The measure was defeated, with 46 percent in favor and 54 percent opposed; that was 10 percentage points better than the proposers did in 2015.
Amendment #7: Tiered Dues
The proposal would have changed the standard used to determine the amount of international dues charged to underdeveloped countries, which would have had the effect of reducing those dues.
The International Board opposed the proposal, citing the lost revenue and doubts that it would result in more members. It was defeated with only 22 percent in favor.
Amendment #8: Members Who Belong to More than One Club
The proposal would have allowed members of more than one club to pay international and district dues only in their home club. It failed for lack of a motion.
Amendment #9: Life Member Status Fee
Would have set the cost of life memberships according to the recipients' age. It failed for lack of a motion.
Amendment #10: Foundation, Charitable Funds and Other Affiliated Entities
Would have provided additional oversight of affiliate organizations by Kiwanis International. The sponsors withdrew it in light of the approval of Amendment #2.
Amendment #11: Delegate Verification Process for Electronic Balloting
Would have set additional procedures regarding the use of electronic voting devices at international conventions. It was withdrawn by its sponsor.