2016 District Convention
The 2016 District Convention took place Aug. 17-21 in Buffalo.
Thursday's Events
Lieutenant governors during Thursday's board meeting.
At Thursday's board meeting, the lieutenant governors got orange "Let's Do This" buckets to take back to their divisions to collect cash donations to help Kamp Kiwanis cover the building renovation issues it has faced this year.
Gov. Forbes Irvine speaking at the board meeting. Seated are Gov.-Elect Stephen Sirgiovanni, left, and Immediate Past Gov. Eric G. Paul.
Past International President Thomas DeJulio speaking on proposed changes to district policies.
Friday's Events
Participants in a forum on the 2016-17 Governor's Project.
Members of the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease board following its meeting.
The district Finance Committee during its meeting.
Past Distinguished Finger Lakes Division Lt. Gov. David Jacobus leading a forum on service projects.
Past Finger Lakes Division Lt. Gov. Peg Bobzin, right, staffs a table for the Kiwanis Club of Penn Yan, distributing knitted hats for newborns and premature babies which were knitted by Penn Yan residents.
Foundation President Sal Anelli opening the District Foundation Annual Meeting.
Kamp Director Rebecca Clemence addresses the foundation meeting.
Kamp Has Good Year
The report from District Foundation leaders on activities at Kamp Kiwanis were positive.
Foundation Treasurer David Vail said the Kamp has received $155,000 in six grants. The Kamp had 620 kampers, the most in several years.
When a plea went out early in August for support so 31 additional kids could attend Kamp, within 48 hours 20 of them were taken care of and the other 11 have been paid for since, he reported.
Board President Sal Anelli praised the foundation board members for their direct efforts at the Kamp. He reported on several unusual expenses this year, but said they continue to position the Kamp for the future.
Clubs and Divisions were honored for the number of children they send to Kamp. The club that sent the most was Peninsula, which sent 55. They were followed by East Meadow, 36, and LaGuardia, 27.
The division that sent the most was Queens West, 78, followed by Long Island South Central, 72, and Long Island Southwest, 70.
Kamp Director Rebecca Clemence reported they had 64 adults and 820 children att Kamp. There were 32 in the teen program, and 12 kampers required 1:1 staffing. Thirteen percent of the kampers had special needs, and 31 were the children of active duty military personnel. There were 34 staff from 13 countries.
Three Elected to Foundation Board
Three candidates, including two incumbents, were elected to three-year terms on the Foundation Board of Directors. Elected were incumbents Herb Chan, Michael Siniski and newcomer Keith Cummings.
 Herb Chan |
 Michael Siniski |
 Keith Cummings |
Kiwanians at Friday's Honoree Reception.
The convention honorees with Gov. Forbes Irvine and First Lady Helene Irvine. From left, Keith Cummings of the Richmond County club, for his work on the anti-bullying campaign; Jack DeSantis of North Central, Staten Island, for his work as district Finance Chair; Long Island North Lt. Gov. Jeanne Egan of the North Shore, Long Island club, for her work on the Governor's Project promoting heart exams for school athletics; Michele Geresi of Richmond County for her work on anti-bullying; Helene Irvine, Forbes Irvine, ESK Editor/Webmaster Martin Toombs of the Seneca Falls-Waterloo club, and two representatives of the Massapequa club, President Diana McDonough and Theodore Heim. Massapequa was honored for its work raising awareness of heroin and opiod addiction.
Buffalo Mayor Bryon Brown addresses the Opening Session, as he did the last time the District Convention was held in Buffalo, in 2007. He cited the new developments in Buffalo since that time in his talk.
Left, Circle K Gov. Jerry Cimo, a student at the University of Binghamton, address the session. At right, Key Club Gov. Matt Gruber, a student at Calhoun High School in Merrick, speaking.
Four Brittany Awards were presented at the Opening Session, to Anthony Pappas, Gordon Soderholm of the West Seneca club; John "Hank" Baker of the Holland club and Patricia Lane of the Sand Lake club. Pictured, from left, are Gov.-Elect Stephen Sirgiovanni, Pappas, Soderholm, Distinguished Past Gov. John Gridley of the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation, Lane, Baker and Gov. Forbes Irvine.
Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse, who last year completed five years as chair of the district's Eliminate Project, presented Gov.-Elect Stephen Sirgiovanni with a Centennial Award for his efforts on the campaign.
Saturday's Events
Incoming District Public Relations Chair Joel Harris presents a forum on community relations and Kiwanis branding.
Michael Reid of the Merrick club presents a program on the use of NarCan to save a person who has suffered an opiod overdoses.
Huntington Kiwanian Barbara Macchiaroli shows her kit.
House of Delegates
Gov.-Designate Stephen Sirgiovanni addressing the House of Delegates following his election as governor for 2016-17.
The dais during Sirgiovanni's talk.
Delegates applauding following the election of Candace Corsaro as governor-elect for 2016-17.
Corsaro pledging her efforts to advance the district as governor-elect.
Buffalo Kiwanis member John Vogel, right, was presented with the Gerald P. Christiano Award for his service to Kiwanis and his community. With him is Past International President Jerry Christiano; the award's permanent trophy is on the table at left.
Past Gov. Doreen Pellittieri, left, and Past Gov. Robert Calabrese, right, join Vogel and Christiano at the podium. Pellittieri heads the award selection process, and it was Calabrese who nominated Vogel.
Kiwanis International President-Elect-Designate James Rochford after he was presented with a resolution thanking him for his participation in the convention.
House of Delegates Action
During the House of Delegates, Stephen Sirgiovanni was elected Governor for 2016-17, and Candace Corsaro was elected Governor-Elect for 2016-17. They ran without opposition.
Delegates also approved 10 amendments to the district bylaws. The amendments, which were required by Kiwanis International, were textual in nature and no debate occurred on them. They were approved in a unanimous voice vote.
The delegates also approved four resolutions:
- Honoring the Convention Honorees, Massapequa Kiwanis, Keith Cummings, anti-bullying chair; Jeanne Egan, pediatric cardiac screen chair; and Martin Toombs, ESK Editor and Webmaster.
- Thanking the convention planning committee, including Sara Vona, Kim Scharoff, David Rothman, Eric Paul and Hank Baker.
- Thanking Kiwanis International President-Elect Designate James Rochford, the counselor to the district, for his participation in the convention.
- Noting the awarding of the Gerald P. Christiano Award to John Vogel of Buffalo. A 50-year member of Kiwanis, Vogel was honored for his work in his club and his division, with the Niagara Frontier Camp Kiwanis Committee, and for other community service.
Gala Governor's Dinner
Ivan Tarnopoll, a member of the West Seneca club, receives the Kiwanis International Foundation's Tablet of Honor. Presenting are Governor-Designate Stephen Sirgiovanni, Gov. Forbes Irvine and Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Eppolito.
Kiwanis International President-Elect-Designate James Rochford making remarks at the dinner.
Some of the 2015-16 lieutenant governors and their partners during the dinner.
More of the lieutenant governors.
Debra Rochford, left, receives a gift from First Lady Helene Irvine and Governor-Designate Steve Sirgiovanni. Seated is Jim Rochford.
Sirgiovanni's presentation of a Mets jersey to Rochford caused some laughs for Rochford, a Boston Red Sox fan.
Lt. Gov. Jeanne Egan make a presentation from the 2015-16 lieutenant governors to the Irvines. The certificate reflects a donation to Kamp Kiwanis.
First Lady Helene Irvine speaking. Seated, lower dais, are Past First Lady Nydia Corace, Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Corace, Past First Lady RoseMarie Gridley and Distinguished Past Gov. John Gridley; seated at the upper dais are Rochford, Gov. Forbes and Gov.-Elect Designate Candace Corsaro.
Sunday's Installation of 2016-17 Leaders
Seated are the 2015-16 lieutenant governors; standing behind them are spouses, partners and supporters. The outgoing lieutenant governors received pins noting they soon will be past lieutenant governors.
Past International President Gerald P. Christiano, who conducted the installations, speaking to the outgoing board.
Gov. Forbes receives his past governor's pin.
The incoming lieutenant governors are installed.
Gov.-Elect Designate Candace Corsaro is installed.
Incoming District Secretary Richard Hall waves after receiving his pin.
Christiano installs Stephen Sirgiovanni as governor for 2016-17.
The 2016-17 District Board.