2016 Kamp Kiwanis Open House
The annual Kamp Kiwanis Open House took place May 14. Several dedications took place at the event.
A bench in memory of Distinguished Past Lt. Gov. Steven J. Eisman was dedicated. The bench was pad for the by the district's past governors in recognition of Eisman's service to Kiwanis. From left, Distinguished Past Gov. David Rothman, Past Gov. Robert Calabrese, Gov. Forbes Irvine, Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Eppolito, Distinguished Past Gov. Peter Mancuso and Gov.-Elect Steve Sirgiovanni. Missing from the picture was Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Aiello, who was at the the Kamp but working elsewhere when the picture was taken.

A bench was dedicated to the memory of Frances Corace, mother of Past Gov. Joseph Corace. Foundation President Sal Anelli is pictured with the bench.

Former First Lady Karen Mancuso, left, with Anelli with a placque noting support by the district's first ladies for the kamp.
Several new bricks on the walls of Governor's Hall and the Dining Hall were added this year. They are pictured here: