2016 Kiwanis International Convention
The 2016 Kiwanis International Convention took place June 23-25 in Toronto.
Distinguished Past Gov. Peter Mancuso's booth in the exhibit area at the convention.

On Thursday morning all of the Kiwanis International Past Presidents who were in the exhibit hall gathered to pose for pictures.

The exhibit area.

International President Susan Petrisin at Thursday's opening session.

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield was the featured speaker at the opening session.

New York Kiwanians wearing their shirts showing support for Mancuso's candidacy for international trustee gathered early Friday morning for the district caucus.

The head table at the caucus. Gov. Forbes Irvine is addressing those in attendance.

Mancuso during his speech to the convention delegates.

Mancuso on the display screen during his speech to the convention delegates.

The winners' names on the display screen.

New York Kiwanians during the House of Delegates.

Mancuso receives the congratulations for his win following the House of Delegates. Standing with her back to the camera is his wife, Karen.

Florencio C. "Poly" Lat, Philippine Luzon District, receives congratulations following his election as vice president for the coming year. Lat is the tallest of those in the picture.

Friday afternoon the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis in Canada was celebrated as volunteers handed out donuts and water.

Petrisin opening the event, which featured presentations by musicians from Kiwanis music festivals, which are sponsored by several clubs in Canada.

A group of performers entertain the crowd.

Late Friday there was a celebration of Mancuso's victory. Mancuso, at right, is shown thanking the crowded room of well wishers for their support.

The new trustees who will begin serving on the International Board of Trustees in October, including those elected on Friday and those elected at meetings in other areas of the world. Mancuso is the fourth from the left.

The Kiwanis leadership for 2016-17, with their titles beginning in October, from left: Vice President Florencio "Polly" Lat, President-Elect James Rochford, President Jane Erickson, Past President Susan Petrisin, and Executive Director Stan Soderstrom.

Cancan dancers performed to encourage Kiwanians to attend the 2017 Kiwanis International Convention in Paris.

The closing ceremony was President-Designate Jane Erickson's opportunity to set the tone for her year.

The goals on the display in the convention hall.

Erickson during her talk.