The Gerald P. Christiano Distinguished Service Award, the top award for service in the New York District, was awarded Saturday to Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse, who for five years headed the district's Eliminate Project fund-raising effort.
Kirmse, a member of the Fordham, Bronx, Kiwanis club, was selected for her service to Kiwanis and especially for her work on the Eliminate Project, explained Past International President Thomas DeJulio, who also is a Fordham club member.
The Eliminate campaign raised $1.1 million in the New York District during her time chairing it. She noted that there were 49 countries in the world with maternal neo-natal tetanus when the project began, and now there are 32. It has been eliminated in the Western Hemisphere.
The Christiano award is presented to no more than one person per year by the Past Governor's Council based on service to the district and to Kiwanis. Governors and past governors are not eligible for the award.
More information is available on the Christiano Award.