2017 District Convention
The Gala Celebration took place Saturday evening.
Long Island Southwest Division Lt. Gov. Thomas Cesiro III presents a wrapped brick to Gov. Stephen Sirgiovanni. Cesiro, president of the 2016-17 district board, said it represents the brick which will be engraved at Kamp Kiwanis to honor Gov. Stephen Sirgiovanni.

The Massapequa club won second place in Kiwanis International's Signature Project competition. When the prize was awarded at the International Convention in Paris, there were no club representatives to accept it, so district officials did. At the dinner, it was turned over to the club. From left are Past International President Thomas DeJulio, Lt. Gov. Theodore Hiem of the Massapequa club, Past International President Jerry Christiano, International Trustee Terry White and Past Gov. Forbes Irvine.

Gov. Stephen Sirgiovanni making final remarks at the end of his year as governor.