The following resolutions were unanimously approved during the House of Delegates:
Resolution #1
The New York District Kiwanis International is pleased and proud to thank the following individuals on the occasion of the 100th annual New York District Convention in Lake Placid, NY, Aug. 24-27, 2017:
- District Secretary Richard G. Hall
- District Treasurer Joseph Aiello
- Parliamentarian James Prout
- Executive Assistant Brenda Leigh Johnson
- Executive Assistant James Mancuso
Whereas: All of those named have served Kiwanis with devotion and distinction in each of their endeavors; so
Therefore be it resolved that the New York District Kiwanis International hereby thanks the following at the 100th annual New York District Convention:
- Richard G. Hall
- Joseph Aiello
- James Prout
- Brenda Leigh Johnson
- James Mancuso
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be provided to each of their families and be entered into the minutes of this convention.
Resolution #2
Whereas: It takes many long hours of planning for and staging of a successful convention of the New York District Kiwanis, and
Whereas: It takes many people and many hands to assure that the convention plans are well developed and well coordinated between the hotel staff and the convention committee so that the attendees have a pleasant and meaningful experience; so
Therefore be it resolved that the delegates to this convention do hereby express their thanks and gratitude to Kimberly Davis, Kim Scharoff, Udo Glosch, Alison Mandel, David Vail, Martin Toombs and to the staff and management of the Lake Placid Conference Center and our host hotels;
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be entered into the minutes of this convention.

Resolution #3
Whereas: The 2017-18 Kiwanis International Board Counselor to the New York District of Kiwanis International is Kiwanis International Trustee Terry White, a member of the Kiwanis Club of Newburgh, Indiana, who was elected to a three-year term as trustee at the Kiwanis International Convention in Indianapolis, Ind.; and
Whereas: Terry White is a charter Walter Zeller Fellow and a major donor to the Eliminate Project, holds Life Membership status, is a George F. Hixson Fellow Diamond Level One and has been honored with the Leadership Society Award and the McCulloch Medallion. He is a member of the Heritage Society and the Legion of Honor; and
Whereas: Over the years he has served Kiwanis in various capacities, including club president, lieutenant governor and district governor; and
Whereas: Terry is an attorney who earned his law degree from Indiana University in Indianapolis, Ind. and his bachelor of arts is from the University of Evansville; and
Whereas: Therefore be it resolved that the Kiwanians of the New York District Kiwanis International assembled at this 100th annual convention do hereby express their appreciation and gratitude to Kiwanis International Trustee Terry White for his outstanding service to Kiwanis and positive contribution to the success of this convention:
Be if further resolved that a copy of this resolution to be provided to the White family and be entered into the minutes of this convention.

Resolution #4
Whereas: Stephen Sirgiovanni joined the Kiwanis Club of Howard Beach, where his father was a charter member and past president; and
Whereas: As a member of the foundation board, Stephen was able to raise $15,000 for Kamp Kiwanis from the city of New York; and
Whereas: Stephen has been active with KPTC, president of the Queens West Foundation, chairman of the Priority One Project for Youth Services for Past Gov. Eric Paul, and has served on the finance committees for Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Aiello and Past Gov. Forbes Irvine. He has been a distinguished Kiwanian for the past five years. He has chaired his club's Irene and Sandy Disaster Relief Effort; and
Whereas: Stephen has served as the 2013-14 Queens West lieutenant governor during which time his division's clubs inducted 107 new members, opened a new Kiwanis club, a new Builders club and a new K-Kids club; and
Whereas: Outside of Kiwanis Stephen is self-employed and involved with real estate investments, sales and service of electronic equipment, and food distribution of major food companies; and
Whereas he was elected in 2015 as governor-elect and 2016 as governor of the New York District of Kiwanis, and has served with distinction; and
Whereas together with members of the 2016-17 District Board and other members of "Gio's Big Dogs" has led this district to strides in membership growth.
Therefore be it resolved that the delegates of the 100th annual Convention of the New York District of Kiwanis express their appreciation of gratitude to Gov. Stephen for his outstanding service;
And be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be provided and entered into the minutes of this convention.