2017 Kamp Kiwanis Open House
The annual Kamp Kiwanis Open House took place May 20.
Foundation President Sal Anelli (back to camera) during dedicating three new kamp benches.

Distinguished Past Gov. David Rothman sitting on the bench sponsored by his East Meadow club. Rothman joked that most of the bench honorees receive the honor after they die and he was happy to be able to actually sit on the bench.

Anelli also pointed on some new brick dedications on Governor's Hall and the Dining Hall. Pictured is Distinguished Past Finger Lakes Division Lt. Gov. Jordan Neuringer. Between them is the brick from the Brighton club, one of three clubs where Neuringer is a member.

Another new brick memorializes Past Gov. Jack Tetamore, who died earlier this year.

Past Gov. Forbes Irvine. Behind him is the brick sponsored by the 2015-16 District Board thanking him for his service. It is shown below in detail.

A bench which was dedicated

The 2017-18 lieutenant governors took a break from their training to visit the kamp. At left, Foundation Vice President Joe Battista talking to the group about the kamp and its operations.

Visitors touring the Patchogue cabin.

At the pool, which has yet to be opened for the season.

Jaimie Neuringer, Brighton secretary, was one of the volunteers who spent time at the kamp helping get it ready for the season.