2018 House of Delegates
There were no proposed amendments for the delegates to consider, so all the attention of the day was on the election of a Governor-Elect for 2018-19. The post was won by Past Brooklyn Lt. Gov. Joseph Ruggiero, a member of the Parkway East club.
A resolution was passed by unanimous standing ovation supporting the candidacy of Internatinal Trustee Peter Mancuso for International Vice President at next June's Kiwanis International Convention.
Also during the delegate session, the Gerald P. Christiano Distinguised Service Award was presented to Past Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. John Hanratty.
There were 201 club delegates and 47 at-large delegates at the House of Delegates.
Gov.-Designate John "Hank" Baker thanking delegates for their support following his election as governor for the coming year.
Gov.-Elect Designate Joseph Ruggiero, at the podium, thanks the District Convention delegates for electing him Governor Elect for 2018-19. Standing at left is Deborah Rought. Seated are Gov.-Designate Hank Baker, Gov. Candace Corsaro, and International Trustee Peter Mancuso.
Linda Christiano, left, congratulating Joseph Ruggiero following his election as Governor-Elect for 2018-19.
Ruggiero receiving congratulations.
Past Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. John Hanratty, at the podium, following the presentation of the Christiano Award. Standing at back are Past Gov. Robert Calabrese, who nominated Hanratty, and Past International President Jerry Christiano, for whom the award is named. Seated is Gov.-Elect Hank Baker.
From left, Past Gov. Robert Calabrese, Rose Ann Hanratty, Past Lt. Gov. John Hanratty and Past International President Jerry Christiano.