International Trustee Peter Mancuso was endorsed by the convention to run for Kiwanis International Vice President next June at the Kiwanis International Convention in Orlando, Florida.
Here is the text of the resolution:
Resolution of the New York District of Kiwanis International, Inc.
WHEREAS, Peter J. Mancuso became a Kiwanian in 1987 when he joined the East Meadow, New York club, and is a Distinguished Past President of his club; a Super Distinguished Past Lieutenant Governor of the Long Island South Central Division; a past Director of the New York District Foundation; and a Distinguished Past Governor of the New York District; and
WHEREAS, Peter J. Mancuso has served on many club, division, district and international committees, including as Chair of the International Committee on Resolutions and Bylaws, and as a member of the International Committee on Growth and of the International President-Elect Advisory Panel; and served as the New York District International Leadership Chair and as Parliamentarian for our district and district foundation for many years; and
WHEREAS, Peter J. Mancuso was appointed to serve as a Trustee of the Kiwanis International Foundation in 2008, which is now known as the Kiwanis Children’s Fund, and served as its 2012-2013 President, during which administration it exceeded its goal in Eliminate Project grants; implemented and adopted new donor recognition policies; enacted a Code of Ethics; and adopted a Donor’s Bill of Rights; and
WHEREAS, Peter J. Mancuso was elected as a Kiwanis International Trustee in 2016, and has served with distinction on various Board committees and as the Board Counselor to many districts and to Circle K International; and
WHEREAS, Peter J. Mancuso has been recognized as his club and division’s Kiwanian of the Year and has received many other honors for his Kiwanis service, including Life Membership, the Centennial Award, the Tablet of Honor, and the Diamond Hixson, Diamond Zeller, District Foundation Diamond Kaiser and KPTC Fellowships. He and his wife Karen are also past New York District Kiwanis and Circle K Convention Honorees; and
WHEREAS, Peter J. Mancuso is employed as a Nassau County, NY Assistant District Attorney; is an alumnus of MIT and the Cornell Law School; and is a past president of his local bar association and his chamber of commerce;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Delegates assembled at this 101st Annual New York District Convention expresses its appreciation for his leadership and commitment to the mission of Kiwanis service to others, and unanimously endorses the election of Peter J. Mancuso to the office of Kiwanis International Vice President at the 2019 Kiwanis International Convention in Orlando, Florida, and heartily pledges the efforts of all members of the New York District in support of his candidacy.
Adopted this 18th day of August, 2018.