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New York District
 Serving the Children of the World ™

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2021-22 Year




Kamp Kiwanis

Kiwanis International

2018 International Convention
District Convention
Former New York First Lady Helene Irvine speaking at a forum on the Warm Beginnings project. Standing at the rear is her husband, Past Gov. Forbes Irvine.

District Convention
Metropolitan Lt. Gov. Keith Cummings presenting a forum on bullying. Standing at the computer is Michele Geresi.

District Convention
The Eiffel Tower in front of the Paris casino. The convention took place at the Paris and Bally casinos.

District Convention
Long Island North Lt. Gov. Joel Harris presenting a forum on photography.

District Convention
A group of New York Kiwanians at the district caucus.

District Convention
The head table at the caucus, from left, International Trustee Peter Mancuso, Gov. Candace Corsaro, Past Gov. Steven Sirgiovanni and District Secretary Rich Hall.

District Convention
The flags of Kiwanis countries were marched in during the opening ceremonies.

District Convention
International President Jim Rochford, always looking for new members, was talking to Elvis Presley on the Strip. The real Presley was a Key Club member when he was in high school.

District Convention
Landscape Structures, a Kiwanis partner, had a large display including musical instruments that attracted many of the young attendees.

District Convention
The New York District was honored twice during the convention for its work in the current year. The district placed 7th in both the number of new clubs opened and the number of new members inducted. Gov. Candace Corsaro, fourth from the left, accepted the awards.

District Convention
The convention activities kept everyone busy sometimes with unintended results.

District Convention
Elvis entertaining in the showcase area.

District Convention
Gov. Candace Corsaro with some new friends.

District Convention
The 2018-19 Kiwanis International President Florencio "Poly" Lat and his wife receiving applause at the closing ceremonies.

District Convention
Poly Lat, right, following the closing ceremonies.

District Convention
Seven members from Kiwanis Club Of Chinatown were in Las Vegas, from left, DPP Patrick Ng, DPP Jimmy Yee, DPP Grace Law, DPP Regina Chan, Nancy Ng, DPP Fred Chan and Bun Leung.

District Convention
The 2019 Convention will be at Disney World.