2017 Tri-K Conference
The 2017 Tri-K Conference took place Nov. 17-19 at the Desmond Hotel in Albany.
On Friday evening everyone took some time to tear T-shirts into strips from which dog toys were made for distribution to animal shelters.

Gov.-Elect Hank Baker addressing the Kiwanis board meeting.

Gov. Candace Corsaro at the board meeting.

Circle K Gov. Jack Curzon (blue jacket toward center of picture) running the Circle K board meeting.

Key Club Gov. Gavin Li during the Key Club board meeting.

One goal of the weekend was to have the lieutenant governors from the three organizations with overlapping areas get to know one another. At left is one of those: Key Club Division 23 Lt. Gov. Catherine Callahan, Kiwanis Genesee Division Lt. Gov. Lucien Giancursio and Circle K Seneca Division Lt. Gov. Tyler Reimold.

On Saturday evening members of the three boards worked together on some projects, including one to see which group could assembly the tallest tower made of paper cups and straws which could support organizer Kim Scharoff's cell phone. This picture was taken during judging just before the tower collapsed.

It wasn't the tallest structure, but this group's was strong enough to hold five cell phones.

The winning team celebrates as their tower holds the cell phone without any problems.

All the members of the winning team.