- President: Daniel Vigneron, Belgium-Luxembourg District
- President-Elect: Arthur Riley, Capital District
- Vice President: Peter Mancuso, New York District
- Board of Trustees (3-year terms):
- Gary "Coop" Cooper, Carolinas District
- David Hurrelbrink, Kansas District
- Cathy Szymanski, Pennsylvania District

Delegates approved, 1,386-30, a Safe Kids resolution stating that Kiwanis "stands against violence, neglect, and abuse directed towards children."
Amendment #1, Non-discrimination Clause
Approved a bylaw change to add a provision which clearly states that Kiwanis clubs will not discriminate based on race, creed, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, following two votes on amendments. The first amendment added gender identity to the list, and a second, which failed, proposed to strike "creed" from the list. The amended motion was approved 1,187-207.
Amendment #2: Abstention on Trustee Votes
The bylaws require that all delegates cast as many votes for a seat as there are seats being contested. That means that if three trustees are being elected, as is usually the case, delegates must vote for three candidates or the votes they do cast are voided. The proposed change, to delete that requirement, received significant debate but was defeated with 400 in favor and 903 opposed.
Amendment #3: New Requirement for Vice President
Defeated a proposal which would have prevented sitting International trustees from running for International vice president. They would have to wait a year after leaving the board before they could run for vice president. It was defeated with 447 in favor and 820 opposed.
Amendment #4: New Trustee Seat for a member under Age 50
The proposal, which was withdrawn by its proposers, would have created a new seat on the International board for a person aged 50 or less at the time of election.
Amendment #5: Family Membership
Defeated a change which would have allowed those living in the same household as an existing member to join and pay one-half of the normal dues. The proposal has been debated since three districts conducted a pilot of the idea from 2010-15. International says the "family membership" did not yield additional members, and so the only affect was a loss of revenue. The districts that did the pilot insist it was a success. The proposal received 727 votes in favor and 475 in opposition, but it failed because it fell short of the two-thirds vote required.