2019 Convention Installation Ceremony

The crowd at the installation Sunday morning.

Gov. Hank Baker receives his Past Governor pin from Kiwanis International Trustee Peter Mancuso.

Each of the new lieutenant governors received their pins from Gov.-Designate Joseph Ruggiero. Shown is Finger Lakes Lt. Gov.-Designate John Treahy getting his.

District Secretary Richard Hall being installed as secretary for 2019-20.

District Treasurer Joseph Aiello being install as treasurer for 2019-20.

Gov.-Elect-Designate Brenda Leigh Johnson getting her pin.

Gov.-Designate Joseph Ruggiero being installed by Mancuso. At left is incoming First Lady Deb Rought.

Ruggiero and Rought acknowledge the applause of those present.

The banner for the Home Club of the Governor was passed from the Holland club to the Parkway East, Brooklyn club. From left, Ruggiero, Lenny Goia of Parkway East, Larry Johnson of Holland and Gov. Hank Baker.

The 2019-20 district board.

Many of those present took the chance to get a picture of the assembled board.