2019 Kamp Kiwanis Open House
The 2019 Open House at Kamp Kiwanis took place on Saturday, May 18. Many Kamp supporters gathered to carry out projects at the kamp, as well as participate in dedications and a ceremonial burning of the kamp's mortgage. The District Foundation Board of Directors also conducted a board meeting.
Past Gov. Forbes Irvine, Past Gov. Mike Malark and Past Lt. Gov. Lucien Giancursio working on a new cover for the concrete block box below it.

Two Circle K members painting the molding on doors at the administration building.

Foundation Board Member Joseph Battisti (pointing, at center) conducting a tour of the kamp for the 2019-20 lieutenant governors.

Bicycles ready for this summer's kampers.

Volunteers sort kraft supplies collected by the First Lady's Project.

A vegetable garden near the East Meadow cabin.

Lt. Gov. Kimberly Davis, International Trustee Peter Mancuso and Distinguished Past Gov. John Gridley.

Lunch is provided at the open house. Gov. Hank Baker (left) and Past Gov. Forbes Irvine (right) with Distinguished Past Gov. Joseph Aiello who is doing the cooking.

Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. Roger Awe making planter boxes.

Past Lt. Gov. Jordan Neuringer adding decals to tiles in the Dining Hall which acknowledge gifts to the kamp from Service Leadership Organizations.

Foundation President Sal Anelli, at left, during the dedications, talking about the new bricks which have been added to the Dining Hall and Governor's Hall during the past year.

The main event of the weekend was burning the Kamp's mortgage. The more than $300,000 mortgage was paid off with the proceeds of a life insurance policy paid for by Ivan Tarnopoll, a member of the West Seneca club for many years who died last fall. Foundation President Sal Anelli said the mortgage was taken out several years ago and was an annual expense which has now been eliminated. The insurance policy paid $500,000, thereby providing additional support to the kamp in addition to allowing the foundation to pay off the mortgage.