2020 Mid-Year Conference
District Board Meeting

Gov. Joseph Ruggiero addressing Friday's District Board Meeting.

District Secretary Rich Hall at the board meeting.

Gov.-Elect Brenda Leigh Johnson speaking to the board.

Some board members during a discussion of membership efforts.
Opening Session

At the opening session, Past International President Tom DeJulio presented a remembrance of Past International President Anton "Tony" Kaiser, who died recently.

Past International President Jerry Christiano presented a remembrance of Past International Vice President Stephen Hart who died recently.

District Key Club Gov. Camille Brock of Candor High School reported on the Key Club year.

Circle K Gov. Peony Tse of Stony Brook University reported on the Circle K year.

Friday night's Opening Session in included a keynote address by Dr. Frank Battisti in a presentation on behalf of the Governor's Project. Battisti is the brother of the late New York District Past Gov. Maurice Battisti, and brother-in-law of Susquehanna Lt. Gov. Diane Battisti.
Beach Party

A Beach Party to benefit Kamp Kiwanis took place after the opening session. Secretary Rich Hall closed out the opening session all dressed for the next event.

Circle K Gov. Peony Tse and Gov. Joe Ruggiero tried out the hula hoops which were donated for use at the kamp.

Linda Christiano demonstrated another way to use the hoops.
Around the Convention

Kiwanians had the opportunity to participate in a service project during the weekend, which will be assembled and hung at Kamp Kiwanis.

Past Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. Trish Hook working on the service project.

Three Pediatric Trauma Kits were presented by the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center at the Foundations' luncheon. Trauma Center President Joseph Corace presented them to, from left, Past Lt. Gov. Kimberly Davis of the Plattsburgh club, Distinguished Past Gov. Joe Eppolito of the Liverpool club, and Past Lt. Gov. Martin Toombs of the Seneca Falls-Waterloo club.
Gala Celebration Banquet

Kiwanis International Vice President Peter Mancuso speaking at the dinner about developments at the International level.

The head table at the banquet.

Gov.-Elect Brenda Leigh Johnson announcing the winners of the 2018-19 Achievement Awards.

Gov. Hank Baker honored three people as Kiwanians of the Year for 2018-19. Pictured are two of them, from left, Mike and Lori Kasprzyk of the Holland club, along with Gov. Hank and Past First Lady Bonnie.

The third Kiwanian of the Year was Alison Mandel of the Elmira club. Mandel was honored for her work at district events, as a master trainer, as a member of the Circle K committee, and as lieutenant governor.

Sandy Liew, right, of the Douglaston club was named a Distinguished Lieutenant Governor for her work in the Queens East division during 2018-19. Making the presentation are Past Gov. Hank Baker and Past First Lady Bonnie Baker.

Also honored as distinguished was Lt. Gov. Patricia Caldwell of the Hudson Tri-County Division.

Two lieutenant governors from 2018-19 were honored by Past Gov. Hank Baker as Super Distinguished. From left, they are Marie Malsch of the Van Rensselaer Division, and Nancy Baxter of the Long Island Southwest Division.