2003 International Convention
The 2003 International Convention took place in Indianapolis, Ind. Here are some pictures from the event.
The front of the International Headquarters building in Indianapolis. The rear of the building faces an Interstate Highway providing additional visibility.
Above, Kiwanians look at plaques in the buildings' entryway. Below, they tour Executive Director Eddie Sigurdsson's office.
The board meeting room.
Kiwanians tour a room of Kiwanis memorabilia.
A computer screen allows visitors to look up information on donors to Kiwanis, such as Hixson fellows.
Events on Saturday

The New York check-in desk with no line. Not many New York Kiwanians saw that sight on Saturday.

Governor-Elect Peter Mancuso (right) speaking with two conventioneers.

Scenes from the exhibit area.

Kiwanians check their e-mail on a Cyber Cafe set up for the convention.

Donated books were collected as a service project taking place at the convention.

Pin traders were busy.

The atrium in the Hyatt Regency hotel, home to the New York delegation for the convention.

Gov. Justin Underwood fines himself for making a mistake while opening Saturday's District Caucus.

Past Gov. Thomas DeJulio addresses the caucus, talking about the proposed constitutional amendments which will be voted on on Monday.

The audience at the caucus.
House of Delegates

New York District delegates during a break in action for ballots to be collected.

Past Governors William Martin, Jack Harten and James Yochum.

Pictures of New York delegates during Monday's session.

The dais during Monday's House of Delegates.