2007-08 Governor's Visits
Queens East and Queens West Divisions
The following picture was taken at the Official Governor's Visit to the Queens West and Queens East divisions June 8:

Each year the District Governor visits all divisions in the state. Gov. Don Herring and First Lady Marlene visited with Queens West and Queens East on Sunday, June 8. Shown above are members of the LaGuardia Airport club making their presentation to the governor, a book titled, "The Building of New York". The club also gave the Govenor and First Lady a copy of the club's commemorative Honoree of the Year journal, a brief History of the club, a club brochure and a copy of the DVD shown at our annual event. Shown in the photo above, First Lady Marlene, Governor Don, President Doris, Treasurer Veta, Chery Jones and Board Member, Verdia.