House of Delegates
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Running without opposition, Gov.-Elect David Booker was elected Gov.-Designate and Michael Malark was elected Gov.-Elect Designate by acclamation at Saturday's House of Delegates. They will begin their terms on Oct. 1, Booker as Governor and Malark as Gov.-Elect. Booker is a member of the Sand Lake club and Malark is a member of the New Scotland club.
Also during Saturday's session, Mickey Leamey, the district's K-Kids Administrator, was honored with the Gerald Christiano Distinguished Service Award. The Award, presented annually by the district's Past Governors, honors Kiwanians for their efforts on behalf of Kiwanis and Kiwanis projects. The man the award is named for read the letter nominating Leamey for the award. Before he did so, Christiano said that he wrote the letter as well, noting her years of service to three Kiwanis clubs, Uniondale, Levittown and East Meadow; to the Long Island South Central Division, and at the district level including six years as K-Kids Administrator. Leamey is pictured at right receiving a pin from Christiano to mark the award; standing by is Past Gov. Jack Tetamore. Below Leamey is shown on Friday with Emma Murphy of the Bowling Green K-Kids Club, and Gov. Doreen Pellittieri.
Resolutions Approved
The delegates also approved resolutions:
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General Assembly
![]() K-Kids Club President Makes a Hit
![]() The star of Friday morning's session was Emma Murphy, president of the K-Kids Club at Bowling Green Elementary School in East Meadow. Murphy, whose club won four awards from K-Kids International in what was its firs year, addressed the convention delegates and told why she thought it was good to get involved in community service. She's pictured above receiving the applause of the dais and those in attendance. At right, she addresses the assembly.
Rich Santer, Kiwanis advisor to the Bowling Green Club and a teacher at the school, is presented with an award by Mickey Leamey, the district administrator for K-Kids.
![]() Gov. Doreen Peillittieri greeting the convention attendees.
![]() Kiwanis International Trustee Stewart Ross spoke to those attending. He's a member of the Mankato, Minnesota, club who was elected to the International Board in June.
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![]() Foundation Meeting
Increased attendance at Kamp Kiwanis and success in dealing with some facilities problems at the Kamp were heralded during the Annual Meeting of the District Foundation. Foundation Board President Sal Anelli noted that while he was concerned a year ago with progress at the kamp, that situation has been reversed. There were 125 more kampers this year than in 2008, he said. There were 609 children and 87 adults at the kamp this year, Kamp Executive Director Rebecca Lopez reported during the meeting. The season, which recently ended, saw the kamp have 50 counselors including 35 from outside the United States; the international staff represented 15 countries.
A major change this year was the increase in applications for kamperships that came directly to the kamp, Lopez said. Last year there were 72, but this year there were 145. They are still looking for sponsors for 42 of the children who attended the kamp this year, she said. Foundation Board Member Joe Battista narrated a slide show on the kamp, noting the recent work that has been done, including some that had not been anticipated, and the need to replace the Arts and Crafts building at the kamp within the next few years. There was an uncontested election for three seats on the Foundation Board. Anthony Merendino of the Peninsula, Hewlett club was elected to a second three-year term, while Joe Weiss of the Sayville club and Frank Romeo of the Irondequoit club were elected as new board members. Weiss has been serving as an appointed member. (They are pictured at right. From left, they are Meredino, Romeo and Weiss.) | ||
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Convention Honorees
![]() District Secretary-Treasurer Ann Sewert and her husband David Sewert were honored at the convention honorees at a reception at the end of Friday's activity. Gov. Doreen Pellittieri praised Ann Sewert's efforts as she assumed her district role this year, and for the work of she and her husband on behalf of Kiwanis. Pictured above, from left, are First Gent Peter Peillittieri, Gov. Doreen Pellittieri, Secretary-Treasurer Ann Sewert and David Sewert. The Pellittieris are from the Webster club and the Sewerts are from the Newark club; all four are past lieutenant governors of the Finger Lakes Division. On To Vegas
Planning for next year's Kiwanis International Convention also took place during the weekend. Past Gov. Thomas DeJulio will be a candidate for International Vice President at the convention, which will take place next June in Las Vegas. Past Gov. Peter Mancuso, who is heading up the campaign, updated more than 250 people who attended the "On to Vegas" session Saturday on work that's being done to further his candidacy. Below, DeJulio is shown addressing those in attendance; Mancuso is seated on DeJulio's right.
Around the Convention
Pictures of the 2009-10 Lt. Govs. Installation also are available.
The credentials table on Friday morning.
Janice Seyfried leads a forum on public relations.
Past Gov. Patrick Cooney (left) and Past Gov. Joseph Corace lead a forum on fund raising ideas.