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New York District
 Serving the Children of the World ™

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2021-22 Year




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Kiwanis International

District Convention in Pictures
conventionA forum on Sponsored Youth featured leaders of the district's youth organizations.
conventionInternational Trustee Joel Williams answering questions in a forum.
conventionKiwanians looking over displays.
conventionDistrict Public Relations Chair Janice Seyfried speaking on club public relations.
conventionPast Gov. Jim Yochum at a forum on the proposed dues increase.
conventionSaturday's lunch was a picnic behind the convention hotel.
conventionGov. Glenn Hollins (at right) during the picnic.
conventionAnn and David Sewert of the Newark club.
conventionJoseph Corace speaks to the Finger Lakes Division caucus before he was elected Governor-Elect. From left are Martin Neuringer, a Corace campaign worker; Corace, Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. Ray Pfeifer, Past Gov. Jack Harten and Past Gov. Pat Cooney
conventionGovernor-Designate David Rothman, his partner, Debra Fuchs and daughter Gabriella after his election. (Seated is Gov. Glenn Hollins.)
conventionJoseph Corace with his wife, Nydia, and his mother, Frances Corace, following his election as Governor Elect. At left is District Secretary Joe Eppolito, and at right is Gov. Glenn Hollins.
conventionCorace joined by more supporters.