At the microphone is Brianna Cart, the organizer of Angels Over Iraq and Afghanistan, addresses the Veterans Luncheon on Friday. Behind her are some of the group's active members. Cart's group collects items which are then shipping to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Owego 14-year-old has received local and national recognition for her project.
Kiwanians attending the luncheon donated $800 to the effort, enough for the group to send 300 gift bags to troops. More information, including how to support the project, can be found on the group's web site, www.angelsoveriraq.org.
The convention honorees were Alison Mandel, left and Richard Hall. Selecting them for the honor was Gov. David Booker, right.
International Trustee Jim Jennings presenting a forum on leader succession during the convention.
Gov.-Designate Michael Malark during a forum on the 2010-11 Governor's Project.