New member add fees have been replaced with pro-rated dues for new members beginning with the 2021-22 Administrative Year. The payment is based on the month that the person joins Kiwanis. The total fee is collected by Kiwanis International and KI then forwards the District portion to the District.
Month | International | District | Total |
October | $77.00 | $24.00 | $101.00 |
November | $70.58 | $22.00 | $92.58 |
December | $64.17 | $20.00 | $84.17 |
January | $57.75 | $18.00 | $75.75 |
February | $51.33 | $16.00 | $67.33 |
March | $44.92 | $14.00 | $58.92 |
April | $38.50 | $12.00 | $50.50 |
May | $32.08 | $10.00 | $42.08 |
June | $25.67 | $8.00 | $33.67 |
July | $19.25 | $6.00 | $25.25 |
August | $12.83 | $4.00 | $16.83 |
September | $6.42 | $2.00 | $8.42 |