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Chinatown, Key Club Member Attend Rose Float Event

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From left, Eliminate Project Chair Randy DeLay, James Tong, Kiwanis International President Dr. John Button, and Jason Lee.

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President Dr. John Button presented a centennial award to James Tong.
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A cake marking the 100th anniversary. Pictured are DeLay and Tong.

James Tong of the Chinatown club, and Jason Lee, past president of the Key Club of Cardozo High School in Bayside, attended the Kiwanis International President luncheon on Dec. 27 at the Pasadena University Club in Pasadena.

The event is part of the lead-up to the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year's Day, and the annual entry of a Kiwanis float sponsored by the Rose Float of Pasadena Kiwanis club and the California-Hawaii-Nevada District.

This year's float and events are highlighting the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis International.

(Posted December 27, 2014)


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