The North Shore's K Family joins hands at the annual pancake breakfast hosted by the North Shore Kiwanis Club on April 17 at North Shore High School.
This event and all profits raised will support another wonderful event called "Klothes For Kids;" buying back to school clothes for our community children in need. Pictured are the North Shore Kiwanians and the youth service clubs supported by the NS Kiwanis Club. A special thank you to Kiwanis Gov.-Elect Steve Sirgiovanni and Distinguished Passt Gov. Joe Corace who attended this event. Pictured are the North Shore Kiwanis Club, North Shore Key Clubbers in action; K Kids with white shirts and bow ties ready to serve; and Circle K from Molloy College with North Shore Key Club alumnus Fallon Blacharski, a Molloy College student who organized the Circle K supporters.
(Posted April 26, 2016)