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Aktion Club Conference Draws Crowd

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Aktion Club members making cards for patients at the Golisano Children's hospital
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Katie Griffen, the Kiwanis International Program Manager for Aktion Club was on hand to participate.
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The Waterloo Aktion Club members in attendance.
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All the participants in the day.

The first annual Rochester Area Aktion Club Conference took place Oct. 13 at the Al Sigl Center in Rochester.

Aktion club members from the area and a contingent from Staten Island participated in the event, which included informational sessions as well as some work on service projects.

The event was sponosred by the Kiwanis Club of Brighton and CP Rochester, and organized by Jaimie Neuringer, the New York District's Aktion Club administrator for Western New York. Dennis Gabel, the administrator for downstate, was part of the Staten Island contingent participating in the event.

Aktion Club members came from 7 clubs with advisors and staff, as well as Kiwanians, including Kiwanis NY District Gov. Hank Baker, Past District Gov. Candace Corsaro, Circle K Governor Ryan Coffey, Aktion Club International Coordinator Katie Griffin, Downstate Administrator Dennis Gabel, Finger Lakes Lt. Gov. Roger Awe, Past Lieutenant Governors Anne Kelly, Marty Toombs, Lucien Giancurcio, and Jordan Neuringer, and Circle K members from 5 clubs from across the District to help staff the event.

More pictures are available by following the link below.

Aktion Club Web Site

(Posted October 18, 2018)


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