2014 District Convention
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Convention Events
Past International President Dave Curry of the Montana District and New York District Eliminate Project Coordinator Sister Anne-Marie Kirmse speaking to Friday's luncheon about the Eliminate Project.
Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo, president of Vaughn College in Queens, was the featured speaker at Friday's luncheon.
Women were honored for their contributions to Kiwanis during the luncheon. From left are Past Gov. Doreen Pellittieri, Past Gov. Susan Ganey, Past International First Lady Mim Kaiser, Past International First Lady Dr. Rosemary DeJulio and current International First Lady Chistiana Gasser. At the podium is Verdia Noel of the LaGuardia Airport club, head of the district's Women in Kiwanis committee.
Past International President Tony Kaiser and Past Internal President Jerry Christiano presented a forum on the History of Kiwanis in anticipation of the organization's 100th anniversary next year.
Volunteers help sort items for the First Lady's Treats for Troops project.
More sorters.
First Lady Carole "Cookie" Aiello, right, and a volunteer.
The traditional basket raffle.
Foundation Annual Meeting
Kamp Attendance Up This Summer
Kamp Kiwanis Executive Director Rebecca Clemence reported that attendance at Kamp was back up this year. There were 82 kampers for the adult weeks, up from 69 last year, and 598 child kampers, compared to 594 last year. There were 35 teens in the Teen Program. There were 12 kampers with special needs who required 1:1 staffing. There were 32 military children, many from Fort Drum.
The three clubs that sent the most kampers this year were Peninsula Hewlett, 54; East Meadow, 38 and North Central Staten Island, 33. The division that sent the most was Long Island South Central, Clemence reported.
The staff of 49 came from 13 different countries, including Bolivia, China, Columbia, England, Ireland, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Slovakia, South Africa and Wales.
The kamp also will benefit from a new agreement with an organization called Lifestyles for the Disabled which will be renting the kamp for two weeks. The kamp will provide food and programming, while the organization will provide counselors.
Foundation Board Election
Three candidates were elected to the Foundation Board, from left, Sal Anelli, Joe Battista and Kim Scharoff. Anelli and Battista were re-elected. Scharoff, who had been serving as an appointed member, was elected to a regular membership.
Past Gov. Bill Risbrook (at podium) was presented with a Kaiser Award during the District Foundation Annual Meeting.
Also receiving a Kaiser was Immediate Past Gov. Al Norato Jr. (left).
Opening Session
Maura McGovern drew applause for her singing of the National Anthem at the start of the Opening Session on Friday evening. Then Gov. Joe Aiello announced that McGovern has autism, and that she would be inducted into the Bethpage Club by International President Gunter Gasser.
McGovern and her sponsor, Long Island South Central Lt. Gov. Ann Torcivia, joined Gasser and Aiello on the dais for McGovern's pinning. Aiello noted that McGovern was the 100th new member Torcivia had sponsored.
McGovern then gave wrist bands supporting autism research to Gasser and Aiello.

Renee Girard, Circle K Governor, speaking to the delegates. She is a student at Cornell University.

Jacob Spencer, Key Club governor. He is a student at Tamarac Secondary School in Troy.
The featured speaker at the Opening Session was children's book author Nick Katsoris, a member of the Fordham Kiwanis Club.
The continuing character in Katsoris' books is a lamb, Loukoumi. The Loukoumi books, the sales of which benefit the St. Jude's Children's Hospitals, are designed to encourage young children to do the right thing when dealing with other children. Katsoris described how the book series came about and how enthusiastically it has been accepted by parent groups and by children around the country. He's shown with a jacket presented to him by Gov. Joe Aiello.
Loukoumi himself then appeared on stage, and posed with Gov. Joe Aiello (left), International President Gunter Gasser and Katsoris.
The convention had an unusual number of International Presidents. Pictured are, from left, front row, Past International President Dave Curry of the Montana District; Gasser; and Past International President Tony Kaiser; back row, Past International President Thomas DeJulio, Gov. Joseph Aiello and Past International President Jerry Christiano.
House of Delegates
Gov.-Designate Eric G. Paul addresses the delegates following his election.
Soon to be Gov.-Elect Designate Forbes Irvine addressed the delegates just before his election.
Forbes Irvine (in gray suit) acknowledges the applause following his election. From left the individuals are Jim Mancuso, Helene, Forbes, Past International First Lady Dr. Rosemary DeJulio, Past Governor Doreen Pellittieri and Past Lt. Gov. Nydia Corace.
The delegates agreed to support the candidacy of Past Gov. Peter Mancuso in his run for the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees. Mancuso plans to enter his name at the 2016 Kiwanis International Convention in Toronto.
Christiano Award
The Gerald P. Christiano Distinguished Service Award was given to Don Bach, a member of the Kiwanis Club of East Aurora.
Bach was unable to attend the presentation.
A Kiwanian for 27 years, Bach was honored by a career in Kiwanis that included a special interest in promoting Aktion Clubs and other programs which support developmentally disabled adults. In 2002 his President's Project was to form an Aktion Club, which became the first in the district outside New York City. He has since assisted with establishing 12 Aktion Clubs.
He also started the James Lilley Aktion Club Baseball League, which has 75 participants, and in 2012 started an annual Aktion Club Regional Conference.
The Christiano award is presented by the district's Past Governors' Council and honors service to Kiwanis and to the community. Past governors are not eligible for the award.
Celebration Dinner
A reception took place before the dinner.
A banner celebrating the district's success at bringing in new members hung over the dais.
Many awards were presented during the evening. Gov. Joe Aiello presented a Governor's Award to Rich and Lisa Santer for their work with the Bowling Green K Kids Club.
Also receiving a Governor's Award were David and Lisa Cummo of the Levittown club.
District Foundation President Sal Anelli (left) presented Gov. Joe with a Diamond Kaiser award.
First Lady Carole Aiello received a Walter Zeller Award and a gift from her husband during the evening. She's shown displaying the gift.
Installation Ceremony
On Sunday morning the 2014-15 lieutenant governors and district leaders were installed.
Gov.-Elect-Designate Forbes Irvine is pinned by his wife, Helene. Applauding, from left, are Gov.-Designate Eric G. Paul, Kiwanis International President Gunter Gasser and Gov. Joe Aiello.
Gov.-Designate Eric Paul addressing those in attendance.
Incoming lieutenant governors.
A group picture of the 2013-14 board.
A group picture of the 2014-15 board.