More than 350 Kiwanians from around the district gathered in Binghamton Aug. 17-21 for the annual convention. It was the first time the District Convention has ever taken place in Binghamton.

Gov. Designate David Rothman

Governor-Elect Designate Joseph Corace
On Saturday, Aug. 20, David Rothman was elected Governor of the New York District for 2005-06 at the District Convention in Binghamton, and Joseph Corace, who was running unopposed, was elected Governor-Elect for the coming year.
During voting at Saturday's House of Delegates, a proposed $5 increase in district dues failed to achieve the two-thirds support it needed for passage. A separate vote, to increase the fee for the Empire State Kiwanian by $1, did receive two-thirds supports and was approved.
In action on Friday at the annual District Foundation meeting, three Kiwanians were elected to the Foundation Board of Directors.
They participated in forums, heard distinguished speakers, attended social events, and conducted two annual meetings: the annual meeting of the District Foundation and the House of Delegates.

Governor-Elect David Rothman, a member of the East Meadow club, was unanimously elected Governor for the 2005-06 Administrative Year. Joseph Corace, who was running unopposed, was unanimously elected to serve as Governor-Elect for the coming year.
Most of the discussion at the meeting concerned the proposed $5 dues increase, from $19.50 to $24.50 per member. The district Finance Committee recommended the increase, pledging to eliminate the subsidy to district operations provided by conference and convention attendees, thereby reducing the registration cost for those events. The proposal, which required a two-thirds vote to be approved, failed in a paper ballot.
(At right is Past Governor James Yochum, head of the district Finance Committee, appealing to the delegates to approve the increase.)
A separate paper ballot was conducted on the question of increasing the per-member fee for the Empire State Kiwanian from $3.50 to $4.50. It was approved.
The delegates also approved bylaw amendments which will change the district's dues collection procedures and rules so they are in harmony with the new rules established by Kiwanis International at the past two International Conventions.
The delegates also approved resolutions dedicating the convention to the memory of Domenic Sciarotta Sr., a former Foundation board member, who passed away earlier this year; thanking the host city and the convention committee for their efforts supporting the convention; thanking current district Secretary/Treasurer Joseph C. Eppolito for his service this year; congratulating Thomas DeJulio on his election to the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees, and thanking Joel Williams, a trustee of Kiwanis International, for his participation in the convention.

Sal Anelli

Joseph Battista

Lawrence Jones

At the Foundation meeting on Friday, two members of the Foundation Board of Directors were re-elected and one new member was elected to the board. Re-elected were Sal Anelli and Joseph Battista; Larry Jones of the West Seneca club also was elected to a three-year term on the board. (Pictures of the winning candidates are at right.)
The Foundation meeting also received a report on Kamp Kiwanis activities this summer from new Kamp director Rebecca Lopez. She reported that the kamp hosted 76 adults and 626 children during the summer. The kamp has received $33,500 in grants, and had cost savings both in food costs ($14,000) and in staff costs. Aiding the lower staff costs was the fact that five staff members worked for the summer without pay.
The kamp had 55 on staff from 16 countries, including 20 Americans and others from 15 different countries.
The Foundation meeting heard several other reports, including one from Martin Neuringer about a series of new Kamp Kiwanis pins which are now for sale to support the Kamp. He's shown at left displaying the pin designs. Sitting on the upper dais is Gov. Glenn Hollins; on the lower dais is Foundation Board Member George Wells.